I took the Hospice training 25 years ago when I realized I did not handle helping my patients cope with loss as well as I wanted to. I did not realize at that point that I could act as a Hospice volunteer, but after taking the training I realized how many people are in need of someone who is able to be there and, sometimes, just listen. When I realized it was actually something I was able to do I felt I needed to step up.
One of my first Hospice assignments was helping a fellow crafter finish her sewing project for her grandchildren that she was just too weak to do. It was so rewarding to help her finish and wrap what would be her last gift for her ‘grandbabies’ as she called them.
For years I would do respite for patients. Sometimes writing letters for them or sometimes reading books. I found out one patient and I had a love of Aesop Fables. We spent months reading and reminiscing our childhood together. One patient would have me read the newspaper start to finish and “don’t skip the editorials” she would say.
I tell patients that when you are entering this stage of your life, it is always good to bring on people that can help you and your family through such a difficult time. It is nice to be able to get to know people and find where your comfort level is. That way as different things are needed; they can step up and help before you even realize the need is there. This can make the transition so much more comfortable for them and their family.
Thank you again for valuing my part of Hospice. I hope I will have more to give.
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